Elastix music on hold mp3 fix guide

On September 2, 2011, in Asterisk, by admin

Today I’m going to discuss how to fix the Elastix 2.x music on hold problems. I’m not sure if you noticed this but you cannot upload an MP3 file in Elastix and make it work. There are a few programs that need to be on the server to make it  work and you need to delete the old recordings. I didn’t like doing manual audio file conversions so I thought I figure this out. Below are the steps I took to make this work.

SSH into you box


First install sox

[root@elastix ~]# yum install sox



You need to install mpg123. You can get the wget command and download it from this site.


I’m running a 64bit version so I downloaded x86_64

[root@elastix ~]#wget http://pkgs.repoforge.org/mpg123/mpg123-1.13.3-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm

[root@elastix ~]#rpm -i mpg123-1.13.3-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm


Here is the trick, once you have uploaded your files and the conversion is successful you need to go into the mohmp3 directory and delete all files that have *.gsm file extension.

Login into you phone system with SSH or secure ftp. I prefer secure ftp because its easier to create, delete directories and files.

delete every file with a .gsm file extension in /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/

Its pretty stupid but your newly converted files will not play if those files are in the directory.








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